Thursday, 19 April 2007

Paisley sold for £18m

yeah yeah wishfull thinking i can hear you all scream in Tonights Evening times it tells us Tesco are in talks with st mirren football club to buy their stadium for this huge ammount of money, well lets hope that it brings the much needed jobs to the area , however it could also bring the death knell to the town centre, which is allready as far as im concerned shut and shit.

makes you wonder though just how far tesco will go to ensure that almost every thing people consume is bought from one of their stores, in the article it states that they all ready have plans to build a store in linwood which is only at most 3 miles from any where in paisley, this then raises the question about competition , in the good old days tesco would have been refered to monopolies and mergers , which has been rebranded as the "competition commision" this quago has been reviewing tesco et al for at least a year now and still have come up with nothing.

this then brings us to the question dosnt it of fish face him self the councilor for fergusile where st mirren would then move to , wonder what he thinks of the news , shall we ask him boys and girls or will we not bother since he will no doubt accuse us of being right wing liars or some crap like that

it really is quite frighting though to think that pretty soon we will all be eating , sleeping , wearing and even possibly living in tesco land if they get there way.

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